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Documentary Night: The Need to Grow

Writer: adminadmin

On Tuesday, November 26th, we gathered for our first documentary night of the semester. This time, we watched the documentary "The Need to Grow" that was directed by Rywan Wirick and Rob Herring. The documentary shows the significance of building soil health and using agriculture practices that regenerates soil instead of depleting it, an invention called the Green Power House (GPH) that functions as a biodigester of waste and produce electricity, biochar, and other high value byproducts and also a food activism.

Following GSS tradition, we had a discussion after watching the movie. We go around and share our thoughts, opinions, and feeling after watching the movie. Most of the people thought that the movie is really good, they learn a lot from it and enjoyed watching it. We discussed about whether or not children should become activist as the movie highlighted Alicia Serratos that campaigned for non-GMO girl scout cookies. Another interesting discussion about whether or not GMO is bad.

The screening was attended by 14 people in total. The mix of people that showed up in this documentary night is interestingly different form the past documentary nights we have done. Eight of the people that showed up was from other departments like computer science and Taiwan studies and few are bachelor degree students. We are happy to see new curious faces that came to understand and learn more about the environmental issues we are facing. Hopefully the film helped the attendees to be more aware about the behind the scenes of our food system and spark interest to know more and eat more consciously.

Special shout out to Polina who kindly shared the movie with us!



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National Dong Hwa University, College of Environmental Studies

Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies 

No. 1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd. Shoufeng, Hualien 97401, Taiwan

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